"So... who can leave me the filthiest review?"
That's me!
Penisfuckshitn****rtitscockasscuntgay slutwhorebitchbastard. THERE!!
Now to the actual review...
"So... who can leave me the filthiest review?"
That's me!
Penisfuckshitn****rtitscockasscuntgay slutwhorebitchbastard. THERE!!
Now to the actual review...
what's a n****r?
Awesome! I ROFL'd at the line "You want small fries? I like small fries." Very fast paced, pretty good animation, and overall a job well done! Keep it up!
That was hilarious. That ending scared the living shit out of me! I liked the art style, very funny. The voice acting was of high quality and the whole thing was funny as hell. Great job!
Great job for your first independent flash, Tim! The animation got a bit jumpy at some points, but other than that, it was quite smooth. I absolutely LOVED that last one!! That clearly had a lot of detail put into it. And about the drawing skills... they were alright, but if you need any help with drawing/animation I can help you out. Give it a bit of a plot line, like several racers competing in some kind of crazy game. Perhaps you could even incorporate things like weapons in it like Death Race!! Overall, I'm giving you an 8, but this is still very good for your first solo project. Adios!
that made my day :) (lol, delayed response)
Very good FBF, nice choice of music and interesting concept. It's almost like one of those bizarre dreams that make no sense. I quite liked it. A new fave for me! *Adds to favs* Keep it up!
My part turned out good! But you didn't give me credit >:(
Damn you to hell. Lolz. ANyway it turned uot great and I'm faving it
This is neither the time or the place for damning people to hell... tsk tsk. :3
This is definately a fave. I love watching my friends reactions when I show them this, they're just too funny. And those bonus scenes were made of WIN!
So funny...
Yet so true. Especially the dryer and the automatic flush ones. This is a definate must-watch, great job. Definately a favourite.
Can I have some of your milk speed?
That was funny as hell. Different from the other awesome movies, as they're about games. This was about a movie. I don't really care, though. I loved it!
Greetings, fellow newgrounders. I am Purplefridge, also known as Kai in the Kai and Jay series. If you have a suggestion or question about Kai and Jay, feel free to give me or deletedchemical a yell. I like pancakes, V energy drink, Linkin Park & purple!!
Age 95
Joined on 11/19/07